IT Support

Our mission

We can support you from anywhere

We strive on innovation and growth and as our network grows so does our support and and offerings to you as the customer

99% of desktop support can be handled via remote login, but we do offer onsite support when needed.

Your network and servers are in good hands with us – we provide free IT audits for all types of environments.

Protect yourself and your business with Western Cloud’s managed endpoint protection.

Trust in JJR Tech to provide the neccasary soltuins for your needs

Our vision

Working with the best

The best internet we can provide our clients is always our goal, and we make sure to always provide the best service to them. The best deal we can offer you and the opportunity to connect to the world surrounding you is why we'd love to have you as a client.

Firewall solutions are available both as open source and paid solutions.

Service Level Agreements reduce IT costs

We can handle all your server management needs if you don’t have the time or skills to do it yourself.